Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patty's Day

Ello people,

What's up? Not a whole lot here really. I was surfing the net earlier in search of the long lost Shamrock Shakes from Mcdonalds, and I found an interesting link: They're baaaaaaack! Did you know they also used to have shamrock sundaes? This is a new discovery for me. John and I drove around last year (?) to about 3-4 McDonalds trying to find the shakes, and one of them had said that it was a corporate decision not to offer them anymore. Sure, there are knock-off recipes, but I bet none of them will ever taste the same.
I went with my friend Krissy today for lunch at:Pasta Pomodoro, I convinced her to get a vegetarian sandwich along with me, it was really good. It also came with a salad which was topped with gorgonzola cheese, makes a different taste treat for a typical salad. We had a little bit of bread with olive oil, the last two times we had gone there together, we never got our bread!
After that we roamed around Walgreens where I bought a few misc. odds and ends of necessity, it was hard looking down the Easter aisle and not buying anything for myself.
Finally we ended up at See's Candies where I didn't buy anything. We were both a little annoyed that they didn't give us free samples. They must have sensed that we were trying to lose weight or something; it's not like we're the size of elephants! So that was my day. I was wishing I could go out for St. Patty's Day since I'm part Irish (a whole fifth! ha!), but I'll just stay to myself and be lazy tonight (what else is new?) Last year John and I went to The Garret for lunch and John ordered a glass of Chardonnay for me and had them put a few drops of green food coloring in it. He told me that this morning he fixed oatmeal for himself and his mom and dabbed it with food coloring. Hmm, being that I"m not big on oatmeal, I really don't wanna comment on that although his mom got a kick out of it. I can't believe Easter's just around the corner... no plans. :(

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Ok, those shamrock sundaes look like they're topped with Nyquil! And is it really true that those shakes can turn your poop blue???