Friday, May 30, 2008

Adding Insult to Injury?

I e-mailed my DOR counselor to tell her that I would probably not be up to doing a whole lot for the next 2 months or so due to my neck surgery and the biatch dropped me and said I would have to re apply. This is the same (fill in the blank) that would not reply to my numerous phone calls and e-mails asking her why she would drop me if I was having health problems and needed to be put on hold for awhile? I am so furious. This is the same person that told me I have probably been dumped from an agency that helps visually impaired people find work. (When I was attending workshops etc through the agency, I had to bail for awhile because my dad was dying). I was told by my caseworkier at the agency that I would be put on hold and my case would never be closed. My stupid counselor had the gall to tell me "Once SAF closes your case you have to start over"..... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Kristen are you sure you want to apply for DOR?!
I'm fuming. :(

1 comment:

Kristen said...

No, I'm not sure I want to apply to the Department of Rehab... because I fear they won't be any help, and they don't seem to be helping you any. But at the same time, I feel like I should try to do SOMETHING to at least find some part-time work that I can do.