Saturday, May 31, 2008

Freaking out =(

Thanks for all the feedback you guys, I really appreciate it. (Hey you should be lucky I'm blogging =P hehe) I've been doing some research on the Degenerative Disk disease and believe it's hereditary, so am anxious to see what the new Dr. finds when my mom sees him... it? I hate losing sleep over this and becoming a basket case. Anyway check this out, I gave John the laptop last night (Friday), this morning he started a virus scan using zone alarm's anti virus and over 12 hours later it's still scanning. I told him just to cancel it and I would do it later, I even told him to uninstall a couple things but nooooo..pleh he did say it took a long time to scan thru itunes and has been taking forever on the sims stuff. I probably won't be able to chat Thursday the 5th, I found out my mom is having some kind of mexican suare for a friend that will be in town. (She didn't tell ME.. hmf), plus I might not have the computer back by then. Friday is my pre-op and hopefully soon thereafter I'll find out the time of my surgery on the 12th. Ttyl

Friday, May 30, 2008

My Sims Kingdom

Well I was tangling back and forth with EA customer service who is giving me roundabout info as to why I'm having problems with TS2...
Anyway, Kristen, I thought you might?? be interested in this:

Adding Insult to Injury?

I e-mailed my DOR counselor to tell her that I would probably not be up to doing a whole lot for the next 2 months or so due to my neck surgery and the biatch dropped me and said I would have to re apply. This is the same (fill in the blank) that would not reply to my numerous phone calls and e-mails asking her why she would drop me if I was having health problems and needed to be put on hold for awhile? I am so furious. This is the same person that told me I have probably been dumped from an agency that helps visually impaired people find work. (When I was attending workshops etc through the agency, I had to bail for awhile because my dad was dying). I was told by my caseworkier at the agency that I would be put on hold and my case would never be closed. My stupid counselor had the gall to tell me "Once SAF closes your case you have to start over"..... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Kristen are you sure you want to apply for DOR?!
I'm fuming. :(

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Okay ok, I'm still up, sorry Kristen. :P I'm feeling restless and overwhelmed about my surgery and I've been in pain for awhile, but will go to sleep after I send this. My mom did a little research and sent me this in e-mail so I thought I'd give you guys the run down about my upcoming surgery... Happy Reading??? I'm too lazy to fix the html on the links, if you want that info please e-mail me and I'll forward it to you...

Cervical myelopathy is a serious problem. The pressure on the spinal cord usually will not go away without surgery and the symptoms will most likely continue to get worse. If you do not improve rapidly with non-operative care, your doctor may suggest surgery to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord.
There are several surgical procedures used to treat cervical spinal stenosis that is causing cervical myelopathy. Both types of operations have the same goal - to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord by making the spinal canal larger. In some cases, the surgeon may suggest an operation called a laminectomy. In this operation, the back side of the vertebrae is opened to allow more room for the spinal cord.
In other cases, the surgeon may suggest an operation from the front of the neck - a corpectomy (corpectomy means "remove the body") and strut graft. This operation allows the surgeon to remove the vertebral body of the vertebra, along with any bone spurs pushing into the spinal cord. The vertebrae are then replaced with a solid piece of bone graft (called a strut graft). The strut graft heals over time to create a spinal fusion where the vertebral bodies have been removed.
You can learn more about these surgical procedures by reviewing the following documents, entitled:

* Posterior Cervical Laminectomy
* Cervical Corpectomy and Strut Graft

For information relating to rehabilitation for cervical spinal stenosis, refer to the document, entitled:

* Neck Rehabilitation

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To my fans

Just wanted to say thank you to those who left comments about my surgery blog... yeah yeah I know your comments are right there in plain visible view. :P I'm sorry I haven't been doing much blogging let alone reading of blogs lately.. haven't had much computer interest although I'm getting the laptop tomorrow temporarily...
O=) I'm innocent I swear...


Hi people,
Just wanted to let you know I saw the neurosurgeon today, and to my surprise the cervical stenosis had gotten worse... (I have degenerative disk disease)..<> I'm having surgery on June 12, the Dr. wanted to do it sooner rather than later, he was concerned. So I'm having my pre Op on June 6th, the surgery will be general, 2 hours and in Stanford for a couple of days. So mom will postpone her trip until ??? I will have to be in a neck collar for about 8 weeks.
Mom had been having tingling & numbness in one of her hands, and today, the same day of my appt, she found out that HER tingling and numbness was from degenerative disk disease as well, so it was suggested she see a neurologist..... but when????... wanted to give you all a head's up...

Friday, May 16, 2008


I'm probably going to be AWOL for awhile... I'm having problems at home and might check out for awhile, not sure if I'll have laptop with me, it's been really flaky so I might give it back to John for awhile sine he hasn't had many problems with it... to anyone who've I'm seemingly been bitchy towards, I apologize, it was not my intention at all... I just have a lot more stress than I can handle right now..
see ya..

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Well yeah, I'm HOME but I'm having a hard time adjusting even though the time was only an hour later... can't adjust to getting back to American food.. Ugh!